Shinichi Ola Takahashi was born on July 10, 1947, in the Miyagi prefecture of Japan. From 1965 to 1970, he studied at Aoyama Art School and the Kuwasawa Design School in Tokyo. After his academic endeavors, he began working in Araki Design and Daba Studios in Tokyo. Consequently, Shin grew a strong sense of discrepancy between commercial design and the fine arts. This realization led him to focus on his own work, and in 1971, he held a one-man show at the Ginza Namiki gallery.  During this time, he became captivated by “Nihon-ga” (Japanese-style paintings) and soon delved into creating religious paintings, particularly focused on “Jigoku-e” (hell scenes). His pieces expressed a mortal man’s anxiety, and even views of cowardice.
Growing dissatisfied with Tokyo, Shin immigrated to Hawaii in February of 1974 to become a pupil of Jean Charlot (1898-1979), a well-known Hawaii mural artist. His perspective of art vastly developed in Hawaii as he became engrossed in Western art movements like Cubism, Surrealism, and DADAism. In the course of time, with the support of the Charlot family, Shin began exhibiting his art in Hawaii. Since then, one of his paintings has been purchased by the Hawaii State Foundation for the Arts.
 Two years later, Shin met poet Wayne Kaumualii Westlake, and together they collaborated on original work for Seaweeds and Construction, along with editor and publisher Richard Hamasaki, from 1976 to 1984. In 2022, his artwork was selected for the "Hawaii Triennial 2022" exhibition, which ran from February to December at the Hawaii State Art Museum. Right after HT22, “artXchange 2023” held at the Royal Hawaiian Center in May 2023 and  his art selected as main visual. Most recent exhibition was "Shin Ola Takahashi~Then and Now~" held at HANATABi by A la maison in Moilili, September 2024.
 Currently, Shin continues to develop new artwork at his residence in Honolulu, Hawaii.

高橋 信一●1947年宮城県生まれ。東京の桑沢デザイン研究所で美術を学ぶ。日本画に魅せられ、地獄絵を中心とした宗教画を制作するようになる。1971年銀座での個展を最後に渡米。ハワイの壁画第一人者であるジャン・シャルロ(1898-1979)に師事した。ハワイではキュービズム、シュルレアリスム、ダダイズムなどの西洋美術に夢中になり、芸術観が大きく発展していった。その後シャルロ家の支援を得て、ハワイで自身の個展を開催。地元のメディアにも多く取り上げられ、作品はハワイ州芸術基金に購入された。2022年にはハワイトリエンナーレに2作品が選ばれ、ハワイ州立美術館に2月から12月まで作品が展示された。今年5月ロイヤルハワイアンセンターにて開催の世界各地から著名なアーティストが参加した「artXchange」では、シンタカハシのアートはメインビジュアルに起用された。現在も精力的にさまざまな表現方法を模索し続け作品を発表、定期的に個展やグループ展を開催している。

Exhibition History
1971: Exhibit at "Namiki Gallery" in Ginza, Tokyo, Japan.
1975: Exhibit at "The Dump" on King Street. Featuring works from the private collections of Honolulu artists.
1976: Exhibit at "Honolulu Hale (City Hall)"--- "Discoveries".
1976: One man show, at "Positively" on King Street.
1977: Exhibit at "Honolulu Hale (City Hall)"--- "Drawing and Prints".
1977: Exhibit and poetry reading with Kimie Takahashi, at "Manoa Valley Theater (HLAC)".
1978: Exhibit at "Queen Emma Gallery"---"Painting and the Art of Concrete Poetry".
1978: Given the middle name "Ola" by Abraham Piianaia, Native Hawaiian scholar, professor of geography at the University of Hawaii.
June, 2013: Solo Exhibit at "Stand Up Eight" on King Street.
February, 2014: Exhibit at "Stand Up Eight" on King Street.
April, 2014: Exhibit at "Midkiff Learning Center", Kamehameha School ---“Shinichi Takahashi & Westlake Concrete Poetry”.
May, 2014: Exhibit at "Fishcake" in Honolulu ---“KAKA'AKO water, land, people”
June, 2014: Exhibit at "Gallery ‘Iolani WCC"--- “Westlake Art Invitational Reception”.
May, 2018: Exhibit at "Hawaii State Art Museum"--- "50 artists, Art in Time 2018".
May, 2020: Exhibit at "Hawaii State Art Museum"--- "50 artists, Art in Time 2020".
July, 2020: Exhibit at "Fishcake"---"Dynamic Equilibrium".
February, 2022: Exhibit at "Fishcake"---"Visual Poetry ~ inspired by Wayne Westlake".
February, 2022: Exhibit "Hawai'i Triennial 2022" at "Hawaii State Art Museum".
May, 2023: Exhibit "artXchange" at "Royal Hawaiian Center" in Waikiki, Honolulu.
June, 2023: Exhibit "Exposed: Hidden in Plain Sight" at NMW Gallery in Honolulu.
September, 2023: "Collectors’ Art Sale & Exhibition Fundraiser To Benefit Downtown Art Center and 
the Jean Charlot Foundation" at Downtown Art Center
September, 2024: Solo Exhibit "Shin Ola Takahashi ~ Then and Now~" at HANATABi by Ala Maison in Honolulu






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