On November 6, 2024, We visited the Jean Charlot collection at the University of Hawaii. Actually, we were informed that there were records of their interaction, including a letter from Mr. Shin, in the Jean Charlot collection, and we decided to check them out.
Exactly 50 years ago, Shin came to Hawaii to become Jean Charlot's apprentice, and while helping him create murals, she also held a solo exhibition with Jean Charlot's support. He has beautifully preserved the letters, notes, sketches, drawings, and invitations to the exhibition that Shin sent to him!
Born in France, Jean Charlot was one of the most famous American painters. He studied under Diego Rivera in Mexico and immersed himself in mural painting before moving to Hawaii, where he spent most of his time. We were simply overwhelmed as we were shown not only his paintings, but also his collections, illustrations for children's books, and propaganda posters.
2024年11月6日、ハワイ大学の「Jean Charlot collection」を訪ねました。実は、Jean Charlotのコレクションの中にシンさんからの手紙をはじめとする二人の交流の記録があると連絡があり、確認することになったのです。
ちょうど50年前、Jean Charlotの弟子になるためにハワイに来たシンさんは、彼の壁画制作を手伝いながら、Jean Charlotの支援のもと個展も開催しました。当時の手紙やメモ、スケッチ、シンさんが送った絵、個展の招待状まで、綺麗に保管してくださっていたのです!
フランスで生まれたJean Charlotはアメリカを代表する画家で、メキシコで Diego Riveraに師事して壁画制作に没頭したのちハワイへ渡り、最も多くの時間をここで過ごしました。彼が残した絵画はもちろん、集めたコレクション、絵本の挿絵、プロパガンダのポスターなど見せてもらい、私たちはただただ圧倒されました。